in chaos
Keywords brushless motor;chaos;controlling chaos;toque oscillation;thruster motor for underwater robot;
A sensitive cell neuron model based on chaos
The Theory of Chaos of Nervous Network Applied in the Load Model
It is claimed that his power is on a par with the Great Necromancer Nagash, so it is fortunate that Teclis has devoted his life to thwarting the powers of Chaos and death.
Chaos is a very complicated motion modality and nonlinear phenomenon.
Elric.Michael Moorcock . An albino warrior/sorcerer from a dying race seeks out a soul-sucking sword and gets caught up in the ultimate batter between Order and Chaos.
Based on the reconstruction of the chaotic dynamic space,the correlation dimension method and Lyapunov exponent method are applied to identify the chaos of monthly runoff series.
martelli - chaos
The learning algorithm is a process of chaos optimization, which can make the network avoid the local minima problem and false saturation phenomenon.
It is hard to adapt to chaos, but it can be done. I am living proof of that: It can be done.
When the liquid superficial velocity was relatively high, with increasing mixture velocity, the chaos of liquid slug length fluctuation would increase.
Its current evolutional trend is chaos and irregular, which is seriously affecting the urban construction and development, so the demands of renovating the "Village in city" are urgent.
There are many reasons for the chaos plaguing order in the market economy, including inadequate legal and regulatory footing for the market economy, lax management, ineffective supervision and poor di
Keara, a noble warrior tasked by the king to rid his kingdom of an evil unleashing chaos and destruction throughout his kingdom.
The theoretically strict novel method for determining irregular rock strength is developed based on fractal and chaos theory.
One of important characteristics of chaos is that an infinite number of unstable periodic orbits (UPO’s) are embedded in the chaotic invariant sets.
非线性动力学的一个很重要的应用领域为神经科学。混沌现象的一个很重要的特征就是混沌不变集中嵌入着无穷多的不稳定周期轨道(unstable periodic orbits,UPO)。
His performance, starkness, action, thin rather than chaos, instead of floating rich expression, eye movements of Chinese opera characters for the sake of an accurate expression of the inner emotions.
Its formation and development is determined to be a chaos system because of the complexity of the course culture.
Keywords drillstring;trajectory of borehole;parametrically excited system;Melnikov Holmes Method;chaos;
Hodgkinson presents us with a laid-back argument for a new contract between routine and chaos, an argument for experiencing life to the full and living in the moment.